TSS: Reading and Recovering!

A week after being diagnosed with the flu, I’m finally starting to see the light at the end of the long, dark tunnel. I still have a good deal of pain while breathing and still have a slight wheeze, but I’m up and mobile again. Even more importantly, the mental fog that hovered over me while recovering has gone and I can finally get back to reading again!

It was pure torture not being able to read and once the fog started lifting, I noticed a particular sort of book was needed to keep my attention. What is the perfect prescription for that flu/cold read?

  1. Short! Nothing over 250 pages and if it does, it must have a storyline that is intense enough that it keeps my attention. No light and fluffy chick-lit for this girl, I needed something heavy!
  2. Limited characters.  There is no way my flu-brain could keep track of more than 3-4 characters. Jotting down notes with the characters names, etc., had no value because most of the time my handwriting was so bad I couldn’t read it hours later.
  3. Memorable main character. This individual had to stand out from the rest and characteristics that kept my interest.
  4. Portability. Somewhat linked to Number 1. My body was weak, so weak that I would have to take a nap after doing any sort of physical activity, including walking to/from the kitchen to refill my orange juice. If the book was heavy, no way I could hold it for any considerable amount of time.

So there you have it, my perfect prescription for flu reading. Add a dose of high-interest television (in my case, Downton Abbey and Homeland) and you are on the path to recovery!

What is your prescription for flu/cold reading?


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