Reading Through Comics, Alphabetically: Harrow County by Cullen Bunn, Tyler Crook

Harrow County by Cullen Bunn
Series: Harrow County
Published by Dark Horse Comics Genres: Horror




Readers of this blog know it takes a lot to scare me. I read a lot of horror fiction, which carries over into comics and graphic novels.  Recently, I discovered Harrow County, a new horror comic out from Dark Horse Comics.  It terrified me, and I loved every minute of it.

The setting: a small, quaint town with a dark secret (of course!).  The opening scenes is a flashback, hinting to the town’s macabre past.  A young woman, a beloved member of the town. She had the ability to heal townspeople, yet for some reason, the livestock were dying around her.  The townspeople soon discovered the source of her power and, realizing they couldn’t kill her by traditional means, burned her at the stake.  Upon her death, she threatened to return.


Fast forward a few decades. Emmy is on the cusp of womanhood at the age of eighteen. She begins to hear strange voices, but doesn’t share this information with her father. In a matter of time, strange things begin to happen around the farm, eerily reminiscent of what transpired years ago.  Emmy knows her life is at risk; the townspeople, including her father, are prepared to end her life as well.  One difference, however.  Emmy believes she can control the evil within her.

In this darkly haunting southern Gothic-style horror, Bunn terrifies readers from the opening panels.  The launch into the chilling story is automatic, no calm lead-in or build up.  Joined by the skilled artwork of Tyler Crook, who so perfectly captures the quaint life of Harrow County, the complete package is a terrifying series that horror fans can’t afford to pass up.

This is a relatively new series, with just three issues out on shelves. Thankfully, issues are released monthly so adoring fans don’t have to wait too long in between each.

Bottom line: a definite must read for horror fans, potentially not for those with a weak heart or stomach. Highly, highly recommended.

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