Guest Post & Giveaway: Stephanie Cowell, Author of Claude & Camille

I’m pleased to welcome Stephanie Cowell, author of Claude & Camille, to Jenn’s Bookshelves.  One of the key aspects in Claude & Camille is friendship, and today Stephanie writes about how important friends are.  

How My Friends Save My Life When I’m Working On A Novel

One of the most important things a writer can have besides talent and a gift to tell stories is great friends because you will really need them. The writer John Gardner in his book On Becoming a Novelist said that the novelist is the long distance runner.
Your novel often starts with a few sentences, maybe a whole draft paragraph and a very long time later, after years of writing and finding an agent and then a publisher ―  and every phrase of the publishing process from editing to proofing to cover to press releases to the first reviews —  you have one major resource and that is your friends. Friends who know what you are doing and believe in it and cheer you on.
I have the most supportive friends in the world. I am really fortunate. Some read through two or three drafts; others sent me encouraging e-mails supportive e-mails or call me. “You can do it. “Believe in your work.” “The book will make it.” Two friends e-mailed me every single day for four years. My family has been amazing. I think I want to give my husband the best present in the world, which will be not to say the words “my novel” again in his presence for at least a month. (I have managed half a day, but the novel is just coming out so….) When Claude and Camille was in submission, a friend forwarded me an animated e-card of a mouse praying in church. And my younger son sent me endless messages saying, “Everything is going to be great.” My older son took me on long walks and fed me lovely meals and compared the process of multi-drafts to his work designing computer systems.
Writing a novel can be one of the loneliest things a person can do. Every novel is original so there are no guidelines. (“Is this the 13th draft of the 4th major revision?” my husband would wistfully ask.)  Friends keep me going. In turn, I am godmother or auntie to many novels, some published, some in progress. I love being involved. I read drafts and cheer people on. I blurb for books when I can.

In this profession, as in every other area of the world, friends are the best.


And now, thanks to the publisher, I have one copy of  Claude & Camille.   To enter, please fill out the form below. Open to US and Canadian residents only, please.  No PO Boxes.  Winner will be announced on Friday, April 30th.


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